Herb and Dorothy

Herb and Dorothy (2008) is a documentary film by Megumi Sasaki. The film tells the story of two middle-class collectors of contemporary art, Herbert and Dorothy Vogel, and the enormous and valuable collection of conceptual art and minimalist art they amassed.[1] Many artists are interviewed in the film, including Christo, Chuck Close, Robert Mangold, and Pat Steir.

The film won the Audience Award and the Golden Starfish Documentary Feature Award at the 2008 Hamptons International Film Festival [2], and won the Audience Award at the 2008 Silverdocs Documentary Festival. The film has made $97,651 at the box office as of July 13, 2009.


  1. ^ Beckman, Rachel (June 19, 2008). "'Herb and Dorothy': You Can't Spell Heart Without Art". Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/18/AR2008061802720.html. Retrieved 2009-06-17. 
  2. ^ http://hamptonsfilmfest.org/about-us/awards/

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